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For about 2 minutes (though it seemed like a lot longer) I tried to relax my muscles and not tense up. I have learned from the past that stretching out my muscles only makes the cramps worse, and that the best thing I can do is to try breathing through the pain until the cramp subsides. This is not always the easiest thing to do, but I always manage.
I have never had both legs cramp up at the same time, and I never in my life had my toes cramp up. My toes were bent in some very weird positions. If it hadn't hurt so much I might have found it amusing. My legs and my toes are sore today, but at least they don't look funny anymore! I'm guessing that I'm dehydrated and low on potassium, so lots of water and bananas for me today. Only problem is, I can't eat bananas by themselves (the scent of the banana is too strong for me and makes me gag), so I guess I will have to sacrifice and have a banana split! Oh Darn!
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There really is nothing worse! I can stand a lot of things, but charlie horses are soooo painful. Interesting that stretching your muscles makes things worse for you, I think it makes things better for me =) It goes to show how differently our bodies react to the same thing.